Welcome authorMichele G. Miller
Having grown up in both the cold, quiet town of Topsham, Maine and the steamy, southern hospitality of Mobile, Alabama, Michele is something of a enigma. She is an avid Yankees fan, loves New England, being outdoors and misses snow. However she thinks southern boys are hotter, Alabama football is the only REAL football out there and sweet tea is the best thing this side of heaven and her children’s laughter!
Her family, a doting husband and three awesome minions, have planted their roots in the middle of Michele’s two childhood homes in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Never Let You Fall is Michele’s first novel and she is beyond thrilled to have finally followed up on a dream she has held for over 20 years! God willing there will be many many more books to follow.
Here's what she has to say in an exclusive interview with Review Buzzz
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
If your book was made into a TV series or Movie, what actors would you like to see playing your characters? Feel free to add pictures.
Books by Author:

Here's what she has to say in an exclusive interview with Review Buzzz
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
- Back in high school I worked on the yearbook staff and at the time I really thought going into print media would be fun. I loved learning how create page layouts to send to the printer. I loved writing quirky puff pieces too. I actually wrote a student section piece on toothpaste! LOL! I used all the names to make a cute piece…example: "We AIMed to make our smiles GLEAM each day."
How long does it take you to write a book?
- I would say ideally it would take 3-4 months. My goal is to write about 90K in a book and 2k words a day.
What do you think makes a great story?
- Great characters. You want readers to love them, hate them, cheer for them and especially understand what motivates them. If I understand the characters I'm reading I will want to read the story even if I don’t quite like the plot line so much.
What inspired you to write the book(s)?
- Just a strange creative moment. I had this little idea pop into my head that I wanted to write about a guardian who protects a girl who is the "key" to something. That was my original thought.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
- Just Never Let You Fall so far. I am working on two now and I have a piece of an adult contemp rom done and plan on finishing a NA contemp rom this year. Choosing one? That's like picking a favourite kid- I only do that occasionally ;)
What was your favorite part of the book(s)?
- *mild spoiler* I truly enjoyed writing the first kiss scene in NLYF. That was a fun scene to finally do.
What was the hardest part to write in the book(s)?
- The parts where Xander has to be a jerk because he needs to push Skye away. That's so against Xander's character to be hateful to her. So it was hard.
If you could meet any character from your book, go out for a coffee and have a little chat, who would it be and why?
- Oh my goodness that is hard! Griffin intrigues me. We know so little about him and he seems a little cocky. I'd like to get his story.
What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?
- I'm writing book 2 right now. 30 words..it's an epic fantasy. We find Xander on a major quest and Skye gets all warrior princess on us. It's still a story about love and being brave.
Do you have a favorite place you love to write?
- I have the start of an office in the corner of my kids TV room right now. We are working on doing some remodelling in our house and I will have my very own office soon. Hopefully *fingers crossed*
How hard is it to get published?
- Well I self-published because I think it is SUPER hard. The awesome books and people who I have seen turned down by traditional publishers astounds me. As far as self-pubbing goes it's one of those things that is really easy to do but hard to do right. You NEED a professional cover and edit unless you are super super talented and great at grammar. I would suggest using professionals regardless of how great you might think you are just because I think you need that other person's perspective.
What do your family and friends think about your books?
- So far so good. The only family member who actually finished my book so far (that I know of) is my mom and she called me to ask when #2 was coming out. As for friends they have been very sweet in their praise. I work with a high school youth group and the girls have loved it.
What do you like to do when you are not writing?
- I'm addicted to social media. I seriously spend so much time chatting on FB and Twitter it's not even funny. When I can step away from the PC I am usually reading. Now that summer is here I will spend more time by the pool with my kiddos…but even then I will probably be reading ;)
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
- I think I am meeting just about everyone I want to meet this month at UTopYA Con in Nashville! I am stoked! My favourite gal is Amy Bartol and I get to be on a panel with her! So um yea…I LOVE my life ;)
Who designed the cover of your book?
- The cover photo is by a photographer in Cali named Nikolai Designs. I picked found her through Pinterest and fell in love with her stuff. The Cover design was done by KKeeton Designs. Kelsea is an amazing photographer, designer and hair and make-up artist!
If your book was made into a TV series or Movie, what actors would you like to see playing your characters? Feel free to add pictures.
*Let me say I'm picking these people for looks not necessarily for their stellar acting skills!
My muse for Xander is already an actor J Derek Theler
For Skye - Selena Gomez. She has that soft small venerable look
Rioden- Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) LOL He is too old now but he back then he would be my choice.
Selene- I could go with Kate Beckinsale. She's already done the goth looking, piercing blue eyes look for Underworld.
Where can your readers stalk you?
My blog: http://michelegmiller.blogspot.com/
My facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMicheleGMiller
My Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6975382.Michele_G_Miller
Twitter: @chelemybelles
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Michele-G.-Miller/e/B00CLRE0B0/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1370755519&sr=8-1
Smashwords: NA
Other: Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/chelemybelles/never-let-you-fall-prophecy-of-tyalbrook/
Is your book in Print, ebook or both?
Please also include a pic of yourself if you like. The idea is to make the interview more personal.
- This is my funny collage.
Books by Author: